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18 of The Absolute Worst SNES Games Ever

Absolute Worst SNES Games Ever
The SNES did feature some gems, but ultimately had some blunders.

Welcome to our blog article, in which we take a nostalgic trip back to the early days of gaming and investigate the domain of the worst SNES games. As ardent gamers, we understand that not every gaming experience can be a masterpiece, and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) had its fair share of letdowns. In this post, we'll go into the depths of the SNES collection to find some of the most infamous titles that left players perplexed and frustrated.

While it's tempting to dismiss these titles as mere blips on the gaming radar, there's merit in exploring their flaws. We can learn about what makes a game genuinely amazing by analyzing its shortcomings and blunders.

We'll discuss the games to clearly avoid, the importance of involvement of more development team members, and the relevance of good gameplay mechanics as we go through this exploration of the worst SNES games.

So strap on and prepare for a wild voyage through the world of gaming woe. We'll see infamous titles that have become cautionary tales, as well as experiences that have left players wanting more.

We'll leave no stone unturned as we explore the worst SNES titles that have cemented their position in the hall of infamy, from the horrible controls of Batman Forever to the odd decisions behind Ultraman.

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18. Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball

Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball

While the concept of combining hoops and warfare sounds exciting, warfare hoops's implementation left much to be desired. The controls in the game were clumsy and unresponsive, making it difficult for players to fully immerse themselves in the fast-paced action. It lacked the seamless gameplay mechanisms that make sports games enjoyable, resulting in a miserable experience for those who ventured to play.

Combat Basketball's failure to capture the essence of the sport it aspired to replicate was one of the main elements contributing to its demise. Fans yearned for more strategic depth and authentic basketball gameplay in the game. Instead, it devolved into a chaotic and perplexing jumble of random violence and exaggerated elements that detracted from the fundamental experience.

Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball is a cautionary story of what happens when a promising concept falls short on the SNES. Despite its potential, the game's clumsy controls, poor execution, and alienation from actual basketball gameplay landed it among the worst SNES games.

17. Pro Quarterback

Pro Quarterback

Pro Quarterback was marketed as the ultimate football simulation, allowing players to put themselves in the shoes of a professional quarterback and lead their team to victory. However, it was evident from the start that this game would struggle to deliver on its lofty notion.

The fluidity and responsiveness of its gameplay mechanics is one of the fundamental factors that make a superb sports game. Players encountered cumbersome controls, sluggish motions, and an overall lack of precision in Pro Quarterback. Passing accuracy was uneven, causing the timing and strategy that make football games entertaining to be thrown off.

A great sports game should have a wide range of gameplay modes that allow players to engage in a variety of challenges and experiences. Unfortunately, Pro Quarterback also fell short in this area. The restricted number of game options and repetitious gameplay rapidly grew tedious, leaving gamers yearning for more exciting and varied experiences.

Pro Quarterback is a perfect example of a game that had the potential to be a score but finished with a fumble.

16. The Rocketeer

The Rocketeer

The Rocketeer caught fans' imaginations in the early 1990s with its distinctive blend of adventure, action, and superhero charm. Based on the iconic comic book and following film, this game had everything it needed to succeed. Players were anticipating an amazing experience with its stunning aesthetics, the appeal of soaring with a rocket-powered hero, and the possibility for thrilling gameplay. However, as we will see, reality fell far short of our aspirations.

Unfortunately, The Rocketeer never got off the ground and plummeted into a sea of disappointment. While the concept was intriguing, the execution left a lot to be desired. The game struggled to capture players due to awkward controls that hampered the excitement of flying and monotonous and uninspiring level design.

This ultimately lead to The Rocketeer being one really bad SNES games ever.

15. Batman Forever

Batman Forever

For decades, Batman, the renowned caped crusader, has captivated fans' imaginations with his moody demeanor and unflinching dedication to justice. It's only reasonable for fans to want an equally exhilarating gaming experience with a reputation established on excellent comic book runs and blockbuster movies. Unfortunately, Batman Forever fell short of those expectations, leaving players feeling deeply disappointed.

Batman Forever was an ambitious attempt to bring the dark and gritty environment of Gotham City to life on the SNES. This game, developed by Acclaim Entertainment and launched in 1995, attempted to recreate the essence of the successful film of the same name. However, it fell short in almost every way, leaving fans perplexed and asking what went wrong.

The squandered chance to create a really immersive Batman experience adds to the dissatisfaction around Batman Forever. Fans yearned for a game that captured the essence of the character, the intrigue of Gotham City, and the thrill of becoming the Dark Knight. Unfortunately, Batman Forever fell short on many fronts, leaving players with a sour taste in their mouths.

14. Rise of the Robots

Rise of the Robots

One of the main reasons Rise of the Robots became popular was because of its poor gameplay. The controls felt clunky and unresponsive, making it difficult for players to execute even the most basic actions. The promised variety of combat tactics and strategies faded into obscurity, swamped by repetitious button mashing and animations that failed to attract the user.

While the SNES was known at the time for its amazing graphics, Rise of the Robots failed to make full advantage of the system's capabilities. The visuals, which were billed as groundbreaking before to release, were disappointing and failed to demonstrate the console's actual capabilities. The game's overall disappointment was exacerbated by a lack of intricacy, uninteresting character designs, and bland surroundings.

Rise of the Robots clearly demonstrates the dangers of poor game design and execution. Despite its initial buzz and potential, this SNES game disappointed and perplexed many.

13. Ballz 3D

Ballz 3D

When the SNES was king in the early 1990s, a game called Ballz 3D appeared, offering a unique and groundbreaking battling experience. This game, developed by PF Magic and distributed by Accolade, sought to distinguish itself by the use of 3D-rendered character models, seeking to offer a new level of visual appeal to the combat genre. Despite its lofty aims, Ballz 3D swiftly became a cautionary story of how excellent intentions can be undermined by poor execution.

Ballz 3D suffers from a lack of depth and longevity, in addition to technological flaws. The fighting mechanics are weak and monotonous, with little strategy or variety. Each round feels like a tedious button-mashing affair, lacking the excitement and depth that distinguish successful fighting games due to the narrow moveset and predictable AI.

While looks aren't the only thing that defines a game, Ballz 3D's problems go far beyond its dubious aesthetics. The controls are a nightmare, with sluggish response times and inaccurate movements that annoy even the most patient players. The lack of fluidity and intuitive controls detracts from the entire gameplay experience, leaving you disengaged from the action.

12. Captain Novolin

Captain Novolin

Captain Novolin, launched in 1992 by Sculptured Software, was designed to teach players about diabetes while providing an exciting game experience. Captain Novolin, the game's protagonist, is a superhero who suffers from diabetes. This game set out to blend fun and instruction with good intentions and a creative premise, but it fell short in various ways.

When it comes to gameplay, Captain Novolin suffers from a slew of design issues that detract from the entire experience. The controls are clumsy and unresponsive, leaving players frustrated and unable to perform even the most basic actions. The lackluster mechanics fail to achieve the smoothness and precision expected from a superhero journey, making navigating the game's levels a boring job.

One of Captain Novolin's major flaws is its inability to deliver engaging content that keeps players captivated. The stages are repetitive and monotonous, and the gameplay quickly gets repetitive and tedious. The lack of compelling tasks and inventive impediments leaves gamers craving for excitement and discovery, resulting to disappointment and apathy.

11. Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero

The SNES game Last Action Hero was prepared to capitalise on the success of its silver screen counterpart in the early 1990s, when the action movie genre was at its peak. Based on Arnold Schwarzenegger's film of the same name, this game aims to immerse players in a spectacular cinematic experience filled with explosive action and memorable moments.

Despite high hopes and expectations, Last Action Hero failed to create an interesting gameplay experience. The game has a number of flaws that left players unhappy and bewildered. Last Action Hero fails to recreate the enthusiasm and energy of its original material, from the incoherent storyline to the lacklustre controls and repetitious gameplay mechanics.

While there were some attempts to recreate the movie's thrill, such as engaging in dramatic shootouts and facing foes, they were few and few between. The overall burstiness of the gameplay, with thrilling moments overpowered by long stretches of dullness, contributed to Last Action Hero's overall dissatisfaction. Players were left wanting more substance and excitement due to the lack of variety in level design, unimaginative opponent encounters, and monotonous activities.

10. Street Combat

Street Combat

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was a gaming treasure trove that captivated enthusiasts for years. However, not every game in its catalogue was a sparkling jewel. Among the profusion of outstanding titles, Street Combat emerged as a dark horse, leaving players perplexed and disappointed.

One of the major elements contributing to Street Combat's demise was its lack of creativity and depth. The game failed to bring distinctive or intriguing features that would set it apart from other fighting games of the time. It lacked the sophisticated move sets, strategic depth, and character variety that distinguished its successful competitors.

Street Combat's promise was hampered by poor execution and technical restrictions. The controls were clumsy and unresponsive, depriving players of the precise and fluid fighting experience they had anticipated. Furthermore, the game's overall appeal was harmed by poor graphics, unimaginative character designs, and a lack of attention to detail.

9. Wizard of Oz

Wizard of Oz

As we step into Dorothy's shoes and enter the Land of Oz, we are confronted with a succession of disappointments. Despite having the potential for an immersive and captivating gaming experience, Wizard of Oz on the SNES falls short of capturing the original story's charm. The game's mechanics, aesthetics, and general execution are all lacking, leaving players bewildered and unhappy.

One of the key reasons for the game's poor reception is its weak gameplay. From clumsy controls to unresponsive movements, navigating the Land of Oz becomes a frustrating exercise rather than a pleasant excursion. The player's ability to fully immerse oneself in the whimsical world they expected is significantly hampered by the lack of smooth gameplay mechanisms.

This really is an extremely bad SNES game and for good reason.

8. Lord of The Rings Vol 1

Lord of The Rings Vol 1

J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series has enthralled readers with its rich lore, intriguing characters, and epic battles. When Lord of the Rings Vol 1 was launched on the SNES, players naturally expected a similarly exciting experience. Unfortunately, players were in for an unexpected disappointment that fell short of their expectations.

Prepare to encounter a world where Middle-earth's charm falters and the promise of an immersive gaming experience is destroyed. Lord of the Rings Vol 1 has numerous problems, ranging from poor graphics and awkward controls to perplexing gameplay concepts.

One of the most noticeable flaws in Lord of the Rings Vol 1 was the graphics. While the SNES was capable of producing aesthetically spectacular games, this title failed to capture the majesty and beauty of Middle-earth. Character representations were underwhelming, and the landscapes lacked the deep realism that fans had hoped for.

It's no wonder that Lord of The Rings Vol 1 is an easy choice for one of the all time worst SNES games.

7. Bebe's Kids

Bebe's Kids

Bebe's Kids, released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, tried to capitalize on the success of the animated feature of the same name. Instead of providing a fun and interesting game experience, it left players irritated and unhappy.

One of the main reasons Bebe's Kids failed to capture players' attention was its lackluster gameplay and poor controls. The game controls felt clunky and unresponsive, making it difficult to explore the game world and successfully execute activities. This resulted in a frustrating experience that made it difficult for players to engage themselves in the game.

Bebe's Kids had the makings of a memorable and pleasant SNES game, but it ultimately fell short. The monotonous gameplay, poor graphics, and lack of creativity all contributed to its reputation as one of the worst titles in the SNES collection. It does, however, serve as a good game design lesson, reminding developers of the necessity of compelling gameplay, responsive controls, and captivating visuals making it an extremely awful SNES game.

6. Ultraman


With its dramatic battles and famous characters, Ultraman, a beloved Japanese superhero franchise, has captivated audiences for decades. With the SNES's popularity skyrocketing, it was only natural for enthusiasts to look forward to an exciting gaming experience. Unfortunately, what greeted them was far from what they had anticipated.

Fans of the franchise were enticed by the notion of playing as the great Ultraman, battling gigantic monsters and saving the world. However, the SNES rendition fell short of the excitement and immersion that players desired. It was a squandered opportunity to bring Ultraman's larger-than-life action into the domain of gaming.

It's clear to us why Ultraman is one of the worst SNES games released to this day.

5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

When Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released in theatres in 1991, it transformed the action film genre and attracted fans with its gripping storyline and innovative visual effects. Fans naturally anticipated the SNES game adaption, seeking to immerse themselves in the Terminator franchise's grim universe. Unfortunately, they were in for a game that fell short of its cinematic counterpart.

In an era when graphics prowess was a significant factor in game success, Terminator 2: Judgement Day on the SNES fell short. The visuals lacked the amount of detail and smoothness that players had grown accustomed to seeing in other games at the time. The lackluster graphics added to the overall dismal experience.

Decades have passed since Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released on the SNES, yet its legacy as a mediocre game adaption continues on. It serves as a reminder of the difficulties in translating the magic of films into the interactive world of games.

4. Space Ace

Space Ace

Players were promised an enormous interplanetary journey packed with fascinating visuals and compelling gameplay in Space Ace. The actuality, however, fell far short of expectations. The game has a slew of problems, ranging from clumsy controls to mediocre gameplay mechanics.

One of Space Ace's most disappointing parts was its failure to deliver on its promise of innovation. With its space-themed environment and unusual gameplay aspects, the game tried to push the boundaries of SNES gaming. These intentions, however, were squandered, resulting in a lackluster experience that left players feeling unsatisfied.

Space Ace shows that even the most ambitious initiatives can fail due to poor implementation. While it's vital to appreciate the developers for their bold vision, it's also critical to recognize and learn from the game's flaws.

3. Barbie Super Model

Barbie Super Model

The lackluster gameplay mechanics are one of the key reasons Barbie Super Model is regarded as a bad SNES game. The controls were clumsy and unresponsive, resulting in frustrating gameplay experiences that left gamers wishing for more refined and interesting interactions.

Barbie Super Model likewise failed to impress in terms of presentation and graphics. While the graphics were adequate for the time, they lacked the polish and charm found in other SNES titles. The environments were boring and uninspiring, unable to evoke the imagination and excitement associated with Barbie's world.

In the world of game creation, Barbie Super Model serves as a cautionary tale. It emphasizes the significance of providing interesting gameplay, compelling aesthetics, and significant information in order to provide a good gaming experience. While it fell short of expectations, this SNES game provides useful lessons for both developers and players.

2. Race Drivin'

Race Drivin

The racing game world has always been exhilarating, full of adrenaline-pumping action and fierce competition. Not every game, however, is able to capture the essence of high-speed thrills and nail-biting intensity. Unfortunately, Race Drivin' comes under the genre of games that fell short of expectations, leaving gamers with a sour taste in their mouths.

Race Drivin' debuted on the SNES with lofty goals of creating a realistic and immersive racing experience. However, it became clear early on that the game was beset by technological flaws that limited its potential. Race Drivin' struggled to give the smooth and exciting gameplay that racing fans sought, with sluggish controls, choppy frame rates, and strange physics.

Race Drivin' is a powerful reminder of the importance of player experience in game creation. While it is admirable for creators to seek to push the frontiers of technology and realism, it is also critical to prioritise gameplay and user delight. Race Drivin' failed to strike the correct balance, resulting in a frustrating rather than enjoyable game.

1. Pit-Fighter


As we peel back the layers of Pit-Fighter, we discover a slew of problems that contributed to the game's reputation as one of the worst SNES games. Pit-Fighter failed to deliver on its lofty promises, from its drab graphics and clumsy controls to its monotonous gameplay and superficial concepts.

Pit-Fighter's aesthetic presentation was one of the game's initial major flaws. The game struggled to fully utilize the SNES technology, resulting in pixelated graphics, restricted animation, and uninteresting backgrounds. This lackluster visual quality left gamers wishing for the vivid and rich landscapes they had grown accustomed to from other SNES games.

No matter how graphically stunning a game is, it will ultimately fall flat if the controls prevent the user from fully engaging with the experience. Pit-Fighter has unresponsive controls, sluggish motions, and a lack of combat fluidity. These difficulties created an unpleasant barrier between players and the enjoyment they desired, resulting in a disconnect that degraded the game's reputation even further.


We've come across games that act as cautionary tales, reminding us of the obstacles and complexities of game design throughout this blog post. We've seen the results of hurried development, poor decision-making, and erroneous ideas. These games have taught us that success in the gaming industry necessitates a thorough awareness of player expectations, as well as creativity and a dedication to perfection.

While it's tempting to dismiss the worst SNES games as minor blips in the grand scheme of gaming history, there is merit in reflecting on their flaws.

Here are all of the games featured on our list of the worst SNES games:

  1. Pit-Fighter
  2. Race Drivin'
  3. Barbie Super Model
  4. Space Ace
  5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  6. Ultraman
  7. Bebe's Kids
  8. Lord of The Rings Vol 1
  9. Wizard of Oz
  10. Street Combat
  11. Last Action Hero
  12. Captain Novolin
  13. Ballz 3D
  14. Rise of the Robots
  15. Batman Forever
  16. The Rocketeer
  17. Pro Quarterback
  18. Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball



Passionate gamer and nostalgia enthusiast. Journeying through the pixelated realms of retro video games, unearthing forgotten gems and sharing the joy. Join me on a nostalgic adventure! 🎮✨