Starfox (SNES) Review
The original Epic slowdown during bosses! I absolutely adored Starfox when it was first released. This was my first experience to a 3d game on a home console. This is why it’s so hard for me to give it a negative review. I just cant get past it’s shortcomings. There are better experiences on the Super...
Pilotwings (Super Nintendo) Review
PilotWings was a launch title on the Super Nintendo here in North America. This is a bit of a new experience to me as I haven’t played After beating the first secret mission, you’ll end up unlocking the expert mode. These new stages end up making the scoring targets harder and have weather conditions...
Sunset Riders SNES: A Review
Introduction Sunset Riders is a classic run and gun arcade game that made its way onto both the SNES and Sega Genesis early on in the 90s. If you’re wondering where to play Sunset Riders, the SNES version is a great option. With four playable characters, players take on the role of a Wild West...
Contra III: The Alien Wars (Super Nintendo) Review
Do you like action movies? Have you ever wanted to play a game where you play as an action super hero from the 80’s or 90’s, Rambo or Commando. Well, today’s your lucky day because in Contra 3 The Alien Wars, you get to do just that! It’s also been released on numerous Virtual Consoles and the Super...
ActRaiser (Super Nintendo) Retro Review
After completing the game once, an extra mode “Professional!” is revealed. This variation of the game is every Act back-to-back with no Simulation sections of the game. The Master begins with maximum health, but all enemies have double health. There is also no longer uses of any of the magic...
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